Hi, just saw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4blR5Ua3S0&ab_channel=JeffGeerling ,
is it compatible with the interceptor board?
Looking to upgrade and I would like to hear from you first if it's compatible with the board and what are the potential benefits.
Thank you!
Very exciting news, thank you! Any timeline on new OS builds for this? I failed miserably before at using a stock Pi OS + patches for the Ethernet ports etc. I guess instead, are there decent “roll your own w/ the patches” instructions somewhere?
We just announced that we have confirmed compatibility with the Raspberry Pi CM5 board: https://www.axzez.com/axzez-news
All Interceptor Carrier Board versions are supported! Please read the full announcement for the details.
Really hoping this works as a drop-in replacement, especially if they release a follow-up version with 16gb of ram.
Hello @romikette F,
We are already looking into this and it is our hope that we will indeed be compatible with the CM5. Obviously we will not have support for the new pins (USB 3), but everything else should be good. We need to finish testing OS updates and thermal performance. That's not a guarantee, but we're very hopeful. Keep an eye on our social media for updates! `@axzezco` on twitter and facebook, or join our mailing list!