I've been procrastinating a long time. I've had the V1 carrier board and CM4 (8GB memory 32GB eMMC) for a long time. Received the CM4 in late 2022 after a long back order at Digikey. Now I'm trying to use it.
First I thought I might use RPIBOOT via a Windows 11 laptop to see what happens. Used a USB-A-to-USB-C cable to connect laptop to carrier board USB port. Ran RPIBOOT, then powered up the carrier board. I saw the LEDs on the four network ports briefly light, but nothing seemed to happen.
Next I connected a monitor and keyboard to the carrier board, and powered it up again. I could see the CM4 was trying to boot.
Next I imaged "desktop-interceptor-raspberrypi-cm4-2024-04-24.img" to a USB stick using the Raspberry Pi Imager. I've plugged the USB stick into one of the USB ports on the carrier board. I've connected a monitor. The CM4 won't boot off the stick. Here's what I see:

Now I seem stuck. I must lack some bit of knowledge I need to make this thing go. Any advice would be appreciated.
Hello @abreuma677!
We're happy to hear you are finally getting to use your board.
Our board does not support this: "First I thought I might use RPIBOOT via a Windows 11 laptop to see what happens. Used a USB-A-to-USB-C cable to connect laptop to carrier board USB port."
On what system (OS) did you write our image to your USB flash drive? The USB on the board is working fine. It just didn't "see" your flash drive.