Finally got around to setting up this Interceptor board, got my CM4 module 8GB RAM, 32GB eMMC, Wi-fi. I didn't need all that, 4GB 16GB eMMC would suffice, but that's all that was available. Anyhow, I finally snapped them together, plugged in HDMI, plugged in/powered on power supply, and ... nothing. Fan on PSU is running. Getting 12v, 5v, 3v out. I ended up using a USB with a light indicator on it and it flashes when PSU is turned on for a few seconds.
Am I supposed to get some form of boot screen with no USB plugged in?
I checked the 3.3V as recommended and it showed good, solid 3.38v. I powered down, plugged in USB with the Interceptor OS, powered up and still nothing. The Pi CM4 CPU gets warm when plugged in so assuming that it is powering on, but I'm not able to get any HDMI signal. Tried both HDMI ports. Two different monitors. Two different HDMI cables. Even tried two other different power supplies, and nothing. Could it be the board is bad?
I got the CM4 module from Seeed. Do I need to flash something else? Although not sure how I can flash anything without being able to see what's going on.
Any help is appreciated.
You can change the resolution, or increase the dpi (scale) in .config/wayfire.ini. For example:
scale = 1.5
Hello! All boards are tested prior to shipping, so your Interceptor Carrier Board was fully working in our tests before we sent it to you. What you are describing is typical of a PSU that does not maintain its +3.3V power after it is powered on. Are you checking the +3.3V rail before and during/through power on? If lights (e.g. the USB light you have or a connected RJ-45 port's lights) only show up for a few seconds, it could be the you are seeing the under power regulator kick in and turning off part of the PSU. The CM4 will still get power and will still get warm even if the under power regulator kicks in for the +3.3V rail. It is unlikely you have a bad CM4 board and more likely that the PSU you have is the issue. Can you please try a PSU from our verified list of PSUs and see if that works? If that is not working, we'll move on from the PSU. Here is our list of validated PSUs for reference: